Like most modern universities, NUFE offers an international campus in Xianlin with the latest facilities which cover all aspects of university life: international dormitories (with full internet access), lecture theatres, libraries, food halls, printing/reprographics services, sports hall, tennis/basketball courts, gym, laundry services, campus newspaper, and radio.
International students can go to the Campus Card Center in the J-B building to collect his/her campus card. A campus card costs 20 CNY.
There are four canteens on campus, and the canteen in Dongyuan is the nearest one next to the international students' dorm.

The library is open from Mon. to Fri. 8:15-21:45. International students are permitted to enter and borrow books by swiping their campus cards.

Sports facilities including basketball courts, football pitches, tennis courts, badminton courts, and table tennis courts are available to international students.